What is Impact Player Rule in IPL 2023?

As we all know that, Indian Premier League has been known for making different rules for better experience in cricket. Like in previous year, IPL was the first league which imposed rules of checking No ball by an umpire who will see only that specific kind for zero objection.

Similarly, in this year, A new rule is being talked about in Media that is Impact Player Rule which is going to be imposed in TATA IPL 2023 this year.

What is actually Impact Player Rule?

According to this rule, team playing match will get a chance for replacing a batsman and bowler during match being played. This is so far totally a new experience in the cricket history to have such rules.

All that will happen will be having an extra batter and bowler option team to have more variation and complexity in the game.

What will be the criteria for when to call Impact Player?

As per this rule, Impact Player should be always an Indian player and overseas players should be fewer than four. This rule also helps to increase the number of Indian cricketers in the league where team allows four overseas players that limit the chances of Indian player to Play in entire season.

When will Impact Player will be called for playing?

The Impact Player will be called just after the finishing of an over or falling of wicket or when batter gets retired hurt, then that player will be allowed to enter in the ground. If a player will be called as Impact Player during an over then that over will be not completed by that bowler.

How will that player be decided by the team?

At the beginning of every match or after toss, respective teams have to submit their substitute four players list who will be options for the team to send as Impact Player when needed. 

What will happen to the Player who got replaced by?

If once a player is replaced will not be called for further matches even as for substitute player when someone gets injured. So team has to take this step carefully before calling for Impact Player.

Will Spell or Bowl for batting of batter and bowler be deducted under this rule?

Impact Player Rule allows batsman to play like other batsman who are playing early on. Similarly, bowler will also bowl his/her four overs spell.

What will happen when Impact Player gets injured?

In this case, there will be no replacement available for the Impact Player who gets injured while playing match. They will get, just as normal match, a player for fielding. They have to bat and bowl on without that one player.

Can that Impact Player do Keeping?

As the guidelines published by Board of Cricket Control in India, there is no words mentioned on doing keeping by Impact Player. However, that player will not be allowed to do Keeping instead of that player, replacement for keeping will be called seperately.

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