Why is Waqf Board targeting Hindu Villages and Temples? What is Waqf Board?

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You all be amazed to know that there is an unconstitutional law that is existing in present days. Some people know but many don't that there is Waqf Board under Ministry of Minorities Affairs that allows them to capture anyone's land on the basis of 1995's Waqf Act.

After Amendment of 1954's Waqf Act in 1995, This Board has been given strong powers to work by capturing anyone's land without giving proof first.

If anyone is not willing to give his property papers then that property will go to Waqf Board on their claiming.

This board has its own court for its hearing that has been always subject to controversy because most of the members from this board belongs to Islam.

Now come to the main topic, Why is this board capturing land on the basis of Muslim people's properties?

When India took independence from British with two nation theory that is one will become Islamic and second will be Secular. When Hindus from Pakistan region left their land was taken by Pakistani people and Government. That's all normal.

Similarly in India, Immigrated Hindu settled on Muslims Land that they left. It's also normal. 

But now we will know why this act was created in 1954!

To capture the land of Muslims who left India in 1947's Partition by submitting their land on name of Allah (God in Islam). This land will be forever of Waqf Board once they claim.

You can't go even to Supreme court for further judgement if this board fails to satisfy you.

You can imagine that in a section of this act this has been clearly written that if Board claims on any property then property holders have to give proofs otherwise if they fail, it will go to Waqf Board without any hearings. 

This board has highest amount of properties after Railway and Army in the country. Now the question is why there is no such law and act for other religion of India like Hindus and Sikhs why only for Muslim! Government should think on this.

You will also be amazed to know that there is no such rules existed in Muslim Countries Like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey etc.

This Act came into Highlights when Tamilnadu Waqf Boars claimed the ownership of 1500 years old temple that covers 369 Acres of Land. This board also claims 7 Hindu majority village to be part of Waqf Board.

In May this year, this Act was challenged in Delhi High Court by filling petition against Government of India asking court that Government doesn't have any right to make Acts and Laws on properties belongs to religion if they have right then why only for a particular regional.

Actually, In that petition, Section 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14 and 16 (A) has been challenged 

Now the question comes is what does Word Waqf means?

According to Islam, if there is religious activities being performed on land over long time will be called as Waqf.

Waqf means donation to God in Islam. It is an Arabic word. Controlling organization who see all issues related to property disputes are called as Waqf Board. If anyone once donated his/her property to Waqf Trust or Waqf Board then he/she will not be available to get back.

Now, This Act has been trolled everywhere on the internet on how it has been past of India's constitution for decades.


  1. Waqf board is legal part of Government of India

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